Thursday 20 February 2014

Welding Inspection / Welders Qualification Test (WQT) / Quality Assurance & Quality Control (QA/QC)

  • Preparation of welding inspection procedure and testing based on clients compilation of necessary materials specification data based on standard codes.
  • Witness qualification of welders and certify those who qualified the testing.
  • Control quality of work in progress and check/witness every stage of work based on standards.
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Inspection and Testing for Welding Procedure Qualification

Welding Procedures are the guidelines used to perform a weld.  They are designed to provide a record of the welding variables used and the inspection results obtained during the procedure qualification test.  They can also provide the instructions for the welder to use in production in order to produce acceptable welds.  Usually welding procedures are developed in accordance with a welding code or standard, and with few exceptions*, require that physical weld samples be produced, inspected, and tested to establish qualification.  Welding procedures are usually divided into two categories, the Procedure Qualification Record (PQR) and the Welding Procedure Specification (WPS).
Procedure Qualification Records are the documented values used during the actual welding test and all the inspection and test results obtained from the actual test samples.
Welding Procedure Specifications are usually documented work instructions that can be used by the welder to conduct welding operations, and are based on, but not necessarily the same as, the parameters used for the Procedure Qualification Record.
We will consider the Procedure Qualification Record and the inspection and testing performed during its qualification.
Qualification testing of a welding procedure normally requires documentation to show all the variables used during the welding test and the documented inspection and test results.  The variables required to be documented are typically such items as:  welding process used, size, type and classification of filler alloy, type and thickness of base material welded, type and polarity of welding current, amps and volts recorded, travel speed during welding, welding position, type and dimensions of joint design, preheating temperature, interpass temperature, post weld heat treatment details, and others.  In addition to the recording of all the welding variables used during the test, in order to qualify a welding procedure, details of the inspection and test results must also be recorded.  These records must show that the inspection and testing has proven that the weld samples have met or exceeded the specified standard requirement.  The typical types of inspection and testing for each sample for Welding Procedure Qualification are: 
Inspection and Testing for Fillet Welds (Tee Joints) -  This involves visual inspection of the completed weld, followed by two macro etches, and one fillet weld break test.  The welded sample is first inspected for any visual discontinuities and then sectioned, and two small samples removed at predetermined locations.  These small samples are polished across their cross-section and then etched using some type of mild acid mixture, dependent on the base material used.   The remaining welded sample is used as the fillet weld break test and is broken against the weld to reveal the internal structure of the weld for inspection.
Inspection and Testing for Groove welds (Butt Joints) – This involves visual inspection, followed by two transverse tensile tests, two root bend test and two face bend tests. (These tests are typical but may differ dependent on material thickness, type and standard requirements.  Different and/or additional testing, such as side bends, all weld tensile tests, impact testing or other testing may be required.)  The completed weld coupon, after visual inspection, is divided into predetermined small sections. Each section is prepared, usually by machining, to specific dimensions as prescribed by the standard.  Each small sample is then tested mechanically to determine its characteristics.  These samples are then inspected to determine their acceptability, against specified acceptance criteria, as laid down by the applicable code or standard.  Typically the standard will provide the maximum size and location of various weld discontinuities and/or, as relevant, values such as minimum tensile strengths or minimum desired impact properties.
Samples that are found not to have discontinuities that exceed these specified limits, and that meet or exceed the minimum values as specified in the standard, will be acceptable, and the welding procedure will be qualified.
The welding procedure is an important part of the overall welding quality system, as it provides documented evidence that inspection and testing has been performed to ensure that welding can be conducted to meet a recognized standard.
* One exception to welding procedure qualification is the D1.1 Structural Welding Code for Steel, which will, under some circumstances, allow the use of pre-qualified welding procedures, however these procedures are still required to be documented and meet all of the relevant code requirements.
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Friday 14 February 2014

How to Get Customers

First, find 5 to 10 machine shops that are pretty much 2 or 3 man operations.
Then, Along with a business card, drop off a small sample weld. (Be creative here) I knew a guy who would weld single edge razor blades together as his calling card. He pretty much sucked at welding other than that but the point is it impressed a lot of people... and it was memorable.
In marketing 101 they call this lumpy mail.
Another idea is welding some beer or coke cans together like in the pic above. How many other welding shops do you think left welded razor blades or welded aluminum cans with a business card? None!
I guarantee you none!
Leaving your business card does not work if it gets forgotten or tossed.

Anyway, these small machine shops usually have people who can weld but are not usually great welders.
They are machinists.
Their time is much better spent machining. When orders come in for intricate parts made from expensive materials and with thousands of dollars of machining required, They will gladly give you the welding work to keep their jack leg welder from screwing the parts up.
What machine shop owner wants to pay premium prices for materials and machining labor only to have an amateur welder cobble up the part by migging where he should tig and tigging where he should mig?
Now obviously, if you can’t weld razor blades or beer cans in the first place, you wouldn’t try that. (and you might even need to reconsider starting a welding business at all) But what about other objects?
What about two small pieces of diamond plate? Say 2 1-1 /2 inch squares so that it would be about the size of a business card?
You could even have your contact info etched on it. Don’t forget to run beads on the edges also. If this all seems too difficult then guess what? Don’t quit your day job.
You will need to be able to do this and more if you want your own welding business.
In fact, in my opinion you shouldnt  quit your day job until it starts costing you money by not being able to keep up with your own shops work.

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Welder Business Cards

Trades | Welder |--| At32128 | Bright | Burning | Concrete | Featured Designs | Flame | Glowing | Heat | Iron Worker | Metal | Metalworker | Orange | Red | Rod | Sandra Morris | Torch
Trades | Welder |--| Achim Prill | Ambiance | At177897 | Featured Designs | Flames | Industrial | Metallic | Rusty | Showing | Theme | Torch | Welding
Auto Repair | Mechanic | Trades | Welder |--| Aloysius Patrimonio | At110909 | Automotive | Automotive Body Repairer | Automotive Repairer | Car | Car Repair | Door | Featured Designs | Illustration | Illustrator | Panel | Repairing | Style | Welding | Woodcut

Ordering Welder Business Cards

With over 6 out every ten jobs being found in manufacturing industries, working as a welder, solderer or brazer can really pay off.
Business | International | Trades | Welder |--| At37200 | Featured Designs | Hard | Iron Worker | Lidiya Drabchuk | Magnificent! | Represent | Style! | Welding | Work
Trades | Welder |--| At143383 | Card | Color | Featured Designs | Features | Information | Photograph | Pipe | Sandra Morris | Stand | Trailer | Welding | White | Works
Trades | Welder |--| Arcing | At106181 | Featured Designs | Glen Jones | Picture | Shipyard | Tugboat | Welding | Wheel | Worker
Basic Logos | Trades | Welder |--| Aloysius Patrimonio | At111251 | Basic Logo | Featured Designs | Illustration | Logo | Logos | Retro | Style | Welding | Woodcut | Work

Welder Business

And according the U.S. government, job prospects for qualified people in these fields should be excellent as employers have been reporting difficulty finding qualified people. Help employers find you by creating high quality business cards that will make you get noticed and get hired.

Business Cards for Welders, Solderers, Brazers

Whether you're an independent worker trying to find jobs on new projects or a company man looking to make some extra cash after work, having your own business card gives you freedom. You'll hand out cards to friends, family members and coworkers, post them in neighborhood restaurants and shops and let them speak for themselves. Phone calls come with word of mouth, and your business card is your key to getting talked about.

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Wednesday 5 February 2014

Welding Codes and Standards

Many aspects of the design and fabrication of welded components are governed by documents known as codes and standards.  Other names used for such documents include guides, recommended practices, regulations, rules, and specifications.  These documents are often specified by an end user/purchaser as a contractual agreement in order to control the characteristics of the welded fabrication that may affect its service requirements.  They are also used by the manufacturer to assist in the development and implementation of their welding quality system.  Many end users of welded components have developed and issued specifications that have been compiled by them to address their specific requirements.  Such specifications may be limited in application and related only to that customer’s situation and requirements.  National interest in areas such as public safety and reliability has promoted the development of welding codes and standards that command broader recognition both on a national and industry-specific basis.  Numerous committees have been developed over the years within national engineering and technical societies that continue to evaluate the needs of industry and develop new welding codes and standards.  Such committees are comprised of members who are technical experts and represent all interested parties such as manufacturers, end users, inspection authorities, and government agencies.  The membership of these committees is balanced in order to prevent any one interest group from controlling the committee. On completion of a new or revised document by the specific committee, it is usually then reviewed and approved by a review committee, and if accepted, then published in the name of the applicable engineering society.
Documents that have significant influence upon public health and safety are sometimes adopted by legislative bodies or by federal regulating agencies.  In those jurisdictions, such documents become law and are often referred to as Codes or Regulations. 
The welding inspector should be aware of what codes or standards are applicable within their jurisdiction, understand the requirements of the relevant documents and perform their inspection accordingly.
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ASME and AWS welding codes similarities and differences

Welding codes are designed to improve the quality and efficiency of welding and are used to qualify welders. Predominate among welding codes in the U.S. are those authored by ASME and AWS. This article provides a brief overview of the similarities and differences in these codes.
ASME and AWS welding codes—Similarities and differences -
The most commonly used codes for qualifying welders are the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Section IX and American Welding Society (AWS) D1.1. Committees and subcommittees comprising volunteer workers interested in furthering the quality and efficiency of the welding industry work together to develop these codes.
We all have heard that ASME codes are more stringent than AWS codes and vice versa. In some areas both are the same. In others they are very different.
The most obvious difference between ASME Section IX and AWS D1.1 is that D1.1 addresses fabrication, erection, inspection, and welder and welding procedure qualification. ASME is specifically for welder and welding procedure qualification. A "code of construction," such as ASME Section VIII, Division I, must be used in conjunction with Section IX for fabrication.
Some work contracts require that a specific code be used for qualifying the welders, but in many cases either code is sufficient. If the job consists totally of structural welding and the contract specifies the AWS Structural Code, then that is the code that must be used for all aspects of the job.
If the job entails pressure vessels or piping, the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code must be used.
If the job is related to ductwork associated with a boiler, the contract usually allows qualification with either code. Choosing a specific code when one is not specified in the contract often involves a fine line.

Qualification Basics

The basic contents of a procedure qualification are the same in both programs.
The welding procedure specification (WPS) is a document that is intended to provide direction for the welder. It also depicts the joint design and welding materials, parameters, and technique and code requirements.
The procedure qualification record (PQR) is a record of test results for the welds made in accordance with the WPS. Destructive testing (tensile pulls, bends, etc.) is required for PQRs in all codes. AWS D1.1 also requires nondestructive testing for procedure qualification. ASME Section IX does not.
The welder qualification test record (WQTR) comprises the results of a test to prove that a welder is qualified to weld to a certain WPS. It includes qualification of the range of base materials, weld materials, positions, and so forth. These tests consist of guided bends, breaking of fillet welds, and macroetching. In some cases, the test coupons may be radiographed in lieu of destructive testing.

AWS D1.1 Specifics

The AWS D1.1 code qualification is specifically for carbon and low-alloy metals. The minimum thickness addressed is 1/8 in. The maximum yield strength addressed is 100 KSI.
This code, generally used for buildings and support structures, is useful for fabricating and erecting any welded structure.

Materials for Prequalification by AWS D1.1

The prequalification Section 3 of AWS D1.1 lists materials for prequalifying the WPS. These materials are listed in groups that are assigned Roman numerals. Although the groups reflect a somewhat ascending alignment as to the yield strength, there are instances of overlapping within three of the four groups.
Group I lists the lowest-yield-strength materials from 30 KSI to 46 KSI. Group II lists materials at 36 KSI to 80 KSI. Group III, 46 KSI to 90 KSI. Group IV, 70 KSI materials only. Each material list shows matching electrode, and filler metal, to be used to establish prequalified procedures.
If a fabricator wants to use a material that is not listed in the table, a procedure must be qualified by testing and with a written PQR.
ASME materials are listed by "P" and "S" numbers. There are very few restrictions as to size and strength of material. This is a reason for qualifying welders and procedures to the ASME Section IX when possible.
Welding codes are intended to improve skills, processes, materials, and equipment. They are important in achieving maximum quality and efficiency.
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Wednesday 29 January 2014

How do I position my TIG torch for different types of joints?

Butt weld, TIG welding
Butt welds
When welding a butt joint, center the weld pool on the adjoining edges. When finishing, decrease the heat (amperage) to aid in filling the crater.
TIG torch position for butt weld
Lap joint, TIG welding
Lap joint
For a lap weld, form the weld pool so that the edge of the overlapping piece and the flat surface of the second piece flow together. Since the edge will melt faster, dip the filler rod next to the edge and make sure you are using enough filler metal to complete the joint.
TIG torch position for welding lap joint
T-joint, TIG welding
When welding a T-joint, the edge and the flat surface are to be joined together, and the edge will melt faster. Angle the torch to direct more heat to the flat surface and extend the electrode beyond the cup to hold a shorter arc. Deposit the filler rod where the edge is melting.
TIG torch position for welding a T-joint
Corner joint, TIG welding
Corner joint
For a corner joint, both edges of the adjoining pieces should be melted and the weld pool should be kept on the joint centerline. A convex bead is necessary for this joint, so a sufficient amount of filler metal is needed.
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TIG torch position for welding corner joint